Yellow Lake

Yellow Lake

Currently, no lake associate exists. If you want to start a lake association, please get in touch with Indian River Lakes Conservancy.

Towns of Rossie & Macomb
St. Lawrence
St. Lawrence River
365 acres
Mean Depth:
Mean: 4 ft / Max: 9.8 ft
Public Access:
DEC Cartop Launch
Upcoming Events
[tribe_events_list category="yellow-lake"] [tribe_events_list category="all-lakes-and-irlc-events"]

Yellow Lake, like several other Indian River Lakes, is bordered by state forest land. Approximately 68% of the lake’s watershed is forested.

Although Yellow Lake is located within the Indian River Lakes region, it actually flows into the Oswegatchie River.

A public hand launch site is located off Hall Road in Macomb.

Fish Species

Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Bluegill, Brown Bullhead, and Yellow Perch

Invasive Species

Aquatic: Eurasian Watermilfoil

Wildlife & Water Quality

Yellow Lake is categorized as a shallow productive, or eutrophic, lake. Eutrophic lakes have high nutrient content that promotes vegetation growth.

Eurasian Watermilfoil is known to be present so boaters should take care to clean their vessels and equipment carefully to avoid transferring this invasive species to other water bodies.

Fishing Access Site sign

Places to Expore

Located in Upstate New York near the Thousand Islands Region, this area is a haven for natural beauty, recreation, and wildlife.

Visit the Indian River Lakes region to hike, paddle, and connect with an incredible community.

connecting to nature through creating faerie houses
Kara Dry Photography