What's New

ADK Center for Loon Conservation’s Wildlife Biologist Emily Prosser, Wildlife Technician Steven Swan, and IRLC are working to bring loon nesting platforms to Indian River Lake Associations that need them.
It’s no secret that predation of eggs can be the difference between a successful or unsuccessful mating season for loons. With the other pressures that loons are facing today including shoreline development, lead contamination, water fluctuations, and climate change, we can’t afford to lose loon eggs to raccoons and other predators.
Loon platforms are designed as nesting sites that float on a platform just offshore making it more difficult for terrestrial predators to reach, and they have a cover making it harder for avian predators such as raptors to notice chicks and harm them. Biologists determine nesting site locations using their knowledge combined with historical information from local lake residents about nesting sites.

The beginnings of a the Loon Raft
Our new partnership involves not only getting rafts on our lakes, but also developing a waterfowl rescue plan whereby struggling or hurt birds can receive aid.
Lake associations are offering to get involved with assembling the rafts, putting them out and in each season, and observing them. IRLC is also working to offer signage that would alert the public to pay respect to nesting pairs.

Adding Vegetation to a Loon Raft Photo by Jennifer Parks
We need additional community support and awareness if we are to be successful in protecting this beautiful bird on our lakes. Loons are a species whose future is unknown given the threats it faces. Together, we can make a difference.
As Steven Swan put it, “I just love loons, everyone does or should, and I wanna do anything I can to keep them safe.”
To learn about ways you can support loon conservation on the lakes »

ADK Center for Loon Conservation rafts nearly ready to launch by Jennifer Parks