What's New

IRLC’s growth over the past quarter century is like that of a young White Oak tree in our forest, at times slow but steady and at times vigorous, yet always with purpose and direction.
In the last few years, we have begun to ramp up the pace of conservation adding two preserves in the last year. We created WHIRL, our teen environmental education program, and we made our children’s educational programming a foundation of what we do at IRLC.
Going into 2022, we realized that our ever-expanding programs had begun to outpace our ability to increase awareness about the wins we have been making in our community. Like the tree that grows too tall before its roots system is fully established, IRLC needed to get grounded.
The beginning of forever
Thanks to the generosity of the Northern New York Community Foundation and our supporters, we were able to create our first Communications and Engagement Coordinator position, raise awareness about the need for more land protection, and begin to revamp our website.
This shared vision and generosity has already enabled our growth when so many of you stepped forward to support our recent appeal to permanently protect over 2,000 feet of shoreline and 116 acres on our new Red Lake Preserve.
But this is just the beginning. There is so much more to do. More land protection projects are in the works, there is more loon nesting habitat to protect, a website to be completed, and more children to inspire as future conservationists.
Thanks to you, our IRLC, like the White Oak tree in our forest, will have the support structure to continue our growth and become more sustainable and resilient…This is what it takes… it takes you.