John O’Driscoll


John O’Driscoll

Vice Chair & Stewardship Chair

A lifelong resident of Theresa, John spent a lot of time across the street from his childhood home at Santway Park, which is on the shore of the Indian River, fishing, camping, and climbing the rock cliffs. John’s love of the outdoors started early and continued to flourish by spending time at the family camp on Chateauguay Lake, located in the northern foothills of the Adirondacks. Fishing trips with his dad and kid brother are among his fondest memories.

An Electrician by trade, John served in various leadership roles within the IBEW, including the most recent position of Business Manager before retiring in 2022.  At every level of his professional career, John applied the “Golden Rule” of always treating people the way you want to be treated. John continues to serve on the boards of Advocate Drum and the Center for Community Studies at JCC. Additionally, he is a member of the Town of Theresa Planning Board.

John is excited to serve on the IRLC Board and hopes to be able to help the organization thrive and continue to provide public benefit to our community.  John’s wife, Lisa, also volunteers at the Conservancy serving on the education committee. Lisa was an educator at the Indian River Central School District for 32 years. The idea that the land acquired by the Conservancy is open to everyone is very important to our family, and we hope we can help improve the experiences people have in the area. The IRLC plays an important role in the sustainability of the lake we retired on, Lake of the Woods, and the other Indian River Lakes. It is comforting to know our granddaughter will be a benefactor of that work.

Fun Fact

The Indian River Lakes Conservancy maintains 28 miles of trails open to the public across 5 different land preserves, and we are consistently working to expand our trail system. With trails in Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties, there are lots of places for you to explore and enjoy!