Jeff Tetrault


Jeff Tetrault

Board Member

Jeff was born and raised in Upstate New York.  His interest for the outdoors began with a childhood full of camping excursions with his father visiting State Parks throughout New York. With his wife, Amy, and their daughters Audrey and Abbey, Jeff continues his love of exploring the outdoors by camping, hiking, and canoeing throughout the North Country and Adirondack park.

Although currently residing in Central Square, a large portion of Jeff and Amy’s time is spent at their forever home on Sixberry Lake they built several years ago.  With so many great places to visit in the North Country, the Land of Lakes, and surrounding communities, Jeff’s favorite place to enjoy is home on Sixberry Lake.

Jeff joined the board of the Indian River Lakes Conservancy for his passion to help care for the valuable natural resources of the North Country. He wishes to help it to remain a place to be enjoyed by those who live here now and those to come.

Jeff’s educational background is a B.S. in Business Administration, Healthcare Administration. He is a Certified Healthcare Facility Manager and Certified Healthcare Constructor with the American Hospital Association.
His work experience includes almost thirty years of operations, facilities management and construction experience in the healthcare field. He serves on the Town of Hastings Planning Board and is president of the Sixberry Lake Association.

Fun Fact

The Indian River Lakes Conservancy maintains 28 miles of trails open to the public across 5 different land preserves, and we are consistently working to expand our trail system. With trails in Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties, there are lots of places for you to explore and enjoy!